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Corrections and new information gathered after the publication of
 Bayocean: Atlantis of Oregon are listed below by page number. Readers are welcome to point out others in the comment section. Spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors will be considered if I do a second edition, but they will not be listed here. 

9      According to Methodist Mission to Oregon: Family Stories - Willamette Heritage Center, before Mary Hauxhurst was converted, she signed her name Wattiat, not Wat Tiet. 

23    On page 44 of Garibaldi, Oregon, Steve King says the photo I used depicts a crab feed at Barview. Using Google Earth, I revisited the site (which still exists) on Bayocean where I thought the photo had been taken vicariously and saw that the background did not match. After using Google Earth to find the most likely location in Barview, I visited it in person and confirmed a match. I then let the Tillamook County Pioneer Museum know the photo was mislabeled.  Having said that, Bayocean's first tent city would have looked much like Barview's. 

31    The building in the photo was first called the Bayside Inn, not the Bayocean Inn. It was 125' long by 25' wide and had 24 rooms rather than 26. The lot size was 150' by 40' . Details about Bayocean buildings varied between nearly every source and, in some cases, changed over time. This one caught me up. 

41    In September 1912, TBPRC hired Warren Brothers to pave Bayocean Park streets with asphalt that had not already been paved with concrete by company employees. As noted on page 44, the July 1912 Surf reported 12th Avenue having been paved.

43    Lorraine Eckhardt’s collection is now at Tillamook County Library's South County branch in Pacific City. 

58    The moorage fee Harkness Chapin was trying to assess was monthly, not annual. 

64 and note 53 on 253    Latourette was then Portland's assistant city attorney. He was appointed as city attorney in 1938. 

70    On November 15, 1915 the Tillamook Headlight ran an extensive article blaming the north jetty for Barview's destruction. The Tillamook Herald article I cited did not. I had tried finding a something in its competitor, the Headlight, but didn'tLocal historian David Laine had, and he gave it to Lloyd Price, who posted it to the Garibaldi Oregon Memories Facebook page on September 21, 2023.

70   Steve King emailed me on November 15, 2023 that, “Captain Farley's house…was not lost. The site was filled back in and the house persisted until just a few years ago when the owner determined the house was beyond rehabilitation so he tore it down and built a nice new home on the footprint.  He has one of the finest views on lower Tillamook Bay.”

77    The title of Chapter 4 should be Receivership Triad Runs the Resort because the first receiver and his advisors had been fired. 

89 and 92    Bayocean Park was in receivership from May 1915 to July 1926, which is closer to eleven years than twelve. 

90    The receivership triad served for eight years compared to Sydney Vincent's three years, which is substantially more than twice the length of time.

93    The east edge of Bayocean Park was just east of 13th Street not 4th Street. 

111    Improvements on the Wilson River Highway began in 1934 to harvest the first Tillamook Burn, with federal, state, and Tillamook, Washington, and Multnomah Counties funding. 

135-136    Bricks moving north did NOT confirm the Corps of Engineer's belief about littoral drift because they didn't have one. Engineers had not even discussed that before construction of the north jetty. On pages 56-58 of his report, Major Moore referred to seasonal changes in littoral drift and said the movement of the bricks observed was atypical for summer. But rather than noting this meant a south jetty would stop the erosion and that building the north jetty had caused the erosion, Moore deferred to the Shore Protection Board. Somehow, they concluded otherwise. OSU academics Tom Terich and Paul Komar later proved Moore correct. 

136    My efforts to get Henry King's cremains in the hands of a relative - distant as the might be - have been been successful. They are no longer held by the Oregon State Hospital. 

160    The last sentence of the Gilkison quote should read, “saying God talks to him, tells him when to beat his wife, and brother does he beat her...[and he says] he has her permission to do this.”

164    Bayocean School was moved south, not north. Cape Meares resident Pete Steen informed me of my directional mistake.

187    The foredune reestablished itself at a level higher than the 20-foot-above sea-level landfill, which is why the spit has not been breached since then despite powerful storm surges.
198    Tom Terich and Paul Komar were not in disagreement with the Corps of Engineers sand volume estimate of 800,000 cubic yards. In reviewing this section of Terich's dissertation post publication, I also noticed that he had calculated the volume of sand lost between the northern tip of the spit and Cape Meares. By subtraction using other numbers Terich provided, I estimated sand lost just on the spit proper at six to seven million cubic yards. Terich confirmed all of this via  email. A cube of that size would be 545’ to 573’ on each side, about two Portland city blocks including the street between them. 

201 and note 87 on 267     On November 28, 2023, Tillamook Headlight-Herald editor Will Chappell's first-page article "USACE preparing for south jetty repair" reported, “The project is scheduled to be completed by October 2025, despite a delay due to a legal challenge to the contract award by a competing bidder preventing planned work this summer.” 

203    The last sentence should read, “Seven years later, the Reeder family started a process that enabled the installation of a ten-foot-high Bayocean Townsite sign in July 2013 at the corner where children caught the bus each morning on the north side of 12th Avenue, across from The Mitchell.”

205    Lytle's previous railroad was not in the Willamette Valley. The Columbia South Railway ran from Biggs to Shaniko on Oregon's Columbia Plateau. He did not own any line running into Hillsboro.

207    The Port of Bay City first suggested one jetty while acting cooperatively with the Port of Tillamook, suggesting it as a way to reduce costs enough to enable their southern competitor to take over dredging of the channel between Bay City to their Hoquarten dock, which the Corps required as part of their plan. 

215 note 1   Since publication, Tillamook County Library staff have reorganized what I refer to as the Webber Research Archives and renamed it the Webber Collection. Perusing it, I was able to deduce new box and folder locations via their excellent finding aid. 

274    Bay Ocean LLC appears on page 204, not 203. 

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