
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Oregon Coastal Atlas

1953 USACE  aerial photo of Bayocean from
 a now-defunct Oregon Coastal Atlas web tool. 

Anyone interested in Oregon's coast should know about the Oregon Coastal Atlas. Whether your focus is history, environmental issues, shoreline changes, storm and/or tsunami planning, or photographic timelines, this site offers a plethora of data, and digital tools that bring it all to life. Some of the information is not available elsewhere. For example, their Estuary Data Viewer is the only place I've found that provides a township and range map layer for Bayocean.


  1. Once The State decides if any building is going to happen again, they should sell a lottery with oceanfront lots as grand prizes. Phooey with Californian developers. Let working-class Oregonians have the land.

  2. It looks like Tanya's link has expired again - too bad, the visuals sound amazing!
